Live Webcast Package
ITEM #:  1632212001   |   EVENT CODE:  SEE "CREDITS" TAB BELOW


See the "Schedule & Faculty" tab below for course titles, dates, and times

Start Your Own Practice A to Z Webcast Series

Minnesota CLE is excited to offer the latest installment in our “A to Z” themed series – the Start Your Own Practice Webcast Series. Join a group of attorneys who have been successful in starting their own firms as they discuss the challenges they faced in doing so and share the practical, real-world strategies that you can use to start and grow a profitable firm.  

With this series, you will receive insight and advice for each step in the process of starting your new firm. Topics include:

  • How to create a business plan and start-up budget
  • How to bill: fee agreements and alternative fee arrangements
  • Choosing the right business entity
  • How to handle money, both yours and your clients’
  • Top technology tools available today
  • Practical perspectives on staffing
  • How to market effectively
  • And more!

You don’t want to miss this unique opportunity to learn how to set your practice up for success or ways you can manage your existing practice more effectively. Register today!

Times listed are Central Time.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Creating a Business Plan and Start-Up Budget for Your Firm
Paul Floyd and Susan Mundahl walk you step-by-step through the process of starting your new firm. Topics include: starting out on a shoestring, how to obtain financing, what lenders look for in start-up loans – and much more. Materials include a hypothetical business plan and income and expense projections.
– Paul M. Floyd; Wallen-Friedman & Floyd, P.A.
– Susan J. Mundahl; Mundahl Law, PLLC

Wednesday, July 1, 2020
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Selecting a Business Entity for Your Firm
Selecting a business entity is no small matter for any company, but for law firms (and other professions), relevant issues go beyond just liability and tax shield implications. New firms, including solo firms, need to concern themselves with the Rules of Professional Responsibility and related filing requirements, state specific filing requirements, tax issues, and member/shareholder/partner relationships. This presentation will explore the prevalent structures (sole proprietorship, S-Corp, partnership, LLC) and evaluate the benefits and detriments of each.
– Scott J. Seiler; Seiler Law, PLLC

Thursday, July 2, 2020
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Crafting Your Marketing Plan and Building a Strategic Referral Network
The amount of time and energy a lawyer dedicates to marketing their practice can go a long way towards determining their eventual success or demise. However, crafting a marketing plan that is unique to the particularities of a practice can be just as important, if not more important, than simply the amount of money or time allocated to marketing. Included with this concept is the development of a strategic referral network. Join Matt Ludt for a presentation on how lawyers can develop a modern approach to marketing their practice while incorporating some tried and true methods to improve their chances for success.
– Matthew E. Ludt; Atticus Family Law, S.C.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Fee Agreements
Fee arrangements can be contingent, fixed, hourly, or some combination of the three. This presentation will compare the types of fee agreements, which ones have writing requirements, and the best practices for different arrangements.
– Eric T. Cooperstein; Law Office of Eric T. Cooperstein, PLLC

Friday, July 10, 2020
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Managing Business and Trust Accounts
Keeping your deposits and withdrawals straight and knowing how to properly and ethically manage lawyer trust accounts is critical to every lawyer’s practice  – yet trust account management is frequently misunderstood. Join Cassie Hanson and Lynda Nelson from the Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility as they review everything you need to know to properly maintain the required trust account books and records and fulfill your fiduciary duty to clients.
– Cassie B. Hanson; Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility
– Lynda Nelson; Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility

Thursday, July 23, 2020
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
20 Top Tech Tips to Build Your Law Practice
This presentation will identify today’s top software and system tools helping lawyers become more efficient and productive. Learn about mobile tech tools, case management platforms, convenient invoicing and accounting, secure document storage, system vulnerabilities that expose your data to the world, and the answers to all of your tech questions.
– Todd C. Scott; Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company

Thursday, July 23, 2020
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Law Firm Staffing: Practical Perspectives
This presentation is a replay of a webcast originally presented December 19, 2019
When you are in a small firm, getting the help you need isn’t always easy. Join our trio of experienced lawyers and law firm managers for three unique perspectives on what you need to know about staffing your firm. Topics include:

  • Hiring Attorneys
  • Hiring Support Staff
  • Contract Workers
  • Compensation 
  • Benefits

– Heather M. Gilbert; Gilbert Law, PLLC
– Paul M. Floyd; Wallen-Friedman & Floyd, P.A.
– Jon R. Schindel; SeilerSchindel, PLLC

Thursday, July 30, 2020
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Challenges in Starting Your Own Firm and How to Overcome Them
A panel of attorneys who’ve “been there” will discuss challenges they faced when starting their own firms and will share what they’ve learned in order to help you overcome the rough spots of opening your own office. Learn from their successes – and their mistakes.
– Jessica L. Birken; Birken Law Office PLLC
– George E. Warner, Jr.; Warner Law, LLC
– Heather Olson; Olson Law LLC
– Leonard B. Segal; SeilerSchindel PLLC (moderator)


Other discounts that may apply:

Scholarships available!
Need-based scholarships are available for in-person and online seminars. For further information or to obtain a scholarship application, contact us at 800-759-8840 or

This package provides 9.0 total CLE credits. Credits should be reported individually for each webcast attended, not the package as a whole.

Minnesota CLE has applied to the Minnesota State Board of CLE for the standard, ethics, and elimination of bias CLE credits as listed below. Application has been made to the Minnesota State Bar Association for any "specialist" credits and to the Supreme Court ADR Program for any continuing education in ADR credits.

Click titles for credit status and individual event codes.

Creating a Business Plan and Start-Up Budget for Your Firm
1.0 standard CLE credit

Selecting a Business Entity for Your Firm
1.0 standard CLE credit

Crafting Your Marketing Plan and Building a Strategic Referral Network
1.5 standard CLE credits

Fee Agreements
1.0 ethics credit

Managing Business and Trust Accounts
1.0 ethics credit

20 Top Tech Tips to Build Your Law Practice
1.0 standard CLE credit

Law Firm Staffing: Practical Perspectives
1.0 standard CLE credit

Challenges in Starting Your Own Firm and How to Overcome Them
1.5 standard CLE credits
