Wednesday, November 20, 2019
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM | Check-In: 8:30 AM
Minnesota CLE Conference Center
600 Nicollet Mall # 370
3rd Floor, City Center
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Don’t Miss This In-Depth Program!
Highlights Include:
Schedule times below are for the live seminar. Please refer to DATES & LOCATIONS for individual replay start times.
8:30 – 9:00 a.m.
9:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Discovery Download: Developments and Trends Impacting Discovery Strategy
This overview session will address recent developments and trends in discovery practice intended to facilitate efficient discovery and minimize discovery delays, including: Judges’ Practice Pointers and Preferences; Local Rules; Rule 26(f) Conferences and Reports; Pretrial Scheduling Orders; and other techniques.
– Hon. Elizabeth Cowan Wright
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Written Discovery: Science and Art?!
Presenters will discuss how to draft effective requests that are targeted to your written discovery plan and that comply with timing, form, and scope requirements; how to respond to discovery requests, including permissible objections; and when to seek a protective order.
– Deborah A. Ellingboe & Daniel J. Herber
10:30 – 10:45 a.m.
10:45 – 11:30 a.m.
Practical Tips from the Bench on Handling E-Discovery
This session will offer judicial perspective on important E-Discovery considerations, including: the role of proportionality in reducing the cost of civil litigation; the cornerstone of “Right Sizing” efforts in civil cases; fair application of proportionality; what the court expects of the parties in E-Discovery; and more.
– Hon. Hildy Bowbeer
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Taking an Effective Deposition: Getting the Evidence That You Need
This session will cover practical strategies for getting the testimony you need, making effective use of exhibits, creating the language of the case, and selecting the right type of question for the situation and pinning down the story – all while following the rules that control the actions of lawyers and witnesses in depositions to ensure you don’t make a mistake that will come back to haunt you later.
– Kathryn J. Bergstrom & Gregory R. Merz
12:30 – 1:15 p.m.
LUNCH (join a fellow attendee)
1:15 – 2:00 p.m.
Best Practices for Obtaining Discovery from Businesses and Organizations
This session will address how to effectively conduct discovery that will provide responsive answers to questions and responsive documents; key points on taking and defending Rule 30(b)(6) Depositions; how to further legal arguments through the discovery process; effective tips on conducting supplemental discovery or discovery follow-up to uncover responsive information and documents; and how to bring compelling and fully supported motions to compel further discovery.
– Rebekah L. Bailey
2:00 – 2:45 p.m.
Alternative Discovery Opportunities in the Information Age
This session will cover various opportunities for identifying admissible evidence based on publicly available information about clients, opponents, and witnesses, including use of web-based search engines, social media and public record searches. The presenters will also address considerations for retaining private investigators, accessing video and audio recordings, and more.
– Lauren J.F. Barta & Timothy E. Grimsrud
2:45 – 3:00 p.m.
3:00 – 3:45 p.m.
How to Deal with Discovery Bullies
In this session, you will learn about how to use the Rules of Civil Procedure to your advantage to curb common discovery abuses when dealing with an abusive opponent.
– Arthur G. Boylan & Janel M. Dressen
3:45 – 4:30 p.m.
Judicial Intervention in Discovery Disputes: When to Call the Judge and What to Ask For
A distinguished panel will provide insights into how judges handle discovery disputes; including when to call the judge for help, how they evaluate motions to compel, and when you should ask for sanctions.
– Hon. Tony N. Leung, Hon. Katherine Menendez & Hon. Edward T. Wahl
– Lauren J.F. Barta (moderator)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Minnesota CLE Conference Center
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 370
Seventh Street & Nicollet Mall, Third Floor City Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Schedule times for replays may differ from those for the live program. Start times are as indicated below. Please register at least one week in advance to secure your copy of the course materials on the day of the seminar.
Minneapolis – 12/3/19 (Check-In 8:30; Replay 9:00)
Minneapolis – 12/18/19 (Check-In 8:30; Replay 9:00)
Minnesota CLE Conference Center
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 370
Seventh Street and Nicollet Mall, Third Floor City Center
Brainerd – 1/3/20 (Check-In 9:00; Replay 9:15)
Brainerd Public Library
416 South Fifth Street
Duluth – 1/10/20 (Check-In 8:30; Replay 9:00)
Pier B Resort, Pilot House Boardroom
800 West Railroad Street
Mankato – 1/17/20 (Check-In 8:15; Replay 8:30)
Farrish Johnson Law Office
1907 Excel Drive
Saint Cloud – 1/14/20 (Check-In 8:15; Replay 8:30)
Rinke Noonan Law Firm
1015 West St. Germain Street
Walker – 1/17/20 (Check-In 8:45; Replay 9:00)
Cass County Courthouse
300 Minnesota Avenue
In-Person Live: $295 MSBA members / $295 paralegals / $355 standard rate
In-Person Replay: $265 MSBA members / $265 paralegals / $325 standard rate
Other discounts that may apply:
Scholarships available!
Need-based scholarships are available for in-person and online seminars. For further information or to obtain a scholarship application, contact us at 800-759-8840 or customerservice@minncle.org.
Minnesota CLE is applying to the Minnesota State Board of CLE for 6.25 standard CLE credits. The maximum number of total credits attendees may claim for this program is 6.25 credits.
Included in registration fee.
Can't attend? The course materials are available for $95 (plus tax and handling). To order, call Minnesota CLE at 651-227-8266 or 800-759-8840. Available in hard copy. Orders will be filled after the live seminar.