Editors: Judge Laura Moehrle, Ken D. Schueler & Julian C. Zebot
Whether you are evaluating a case, organizing for a hearing, writing a brief, preparing for trial, or searching for information on the many other civil practice issues that arise when you’re handling a case before a Minnesota state district court – including how the growth of online practice in recent years impacts the different stages of the case – this Deskbook is an invaluable resource! The Minnesota State District Court Civil Practice Deskbook covers an incredible range of practice issues throughout its 22 chapters, providing you with the orientation, analysis, and authorities you need. This great resource is packed with insights and practice tips by experienced litigators, as well as ethics and judicial commentary. Unlike other publications that cover the rules and descriptions of how to apply them, the Minnesota State District Court Civil Practice Deskbook also offers advice and practical application of them – direct from knowledgeable practitioners. Organized in a systematic fashion, replete with relevant cases, statutes, and rules, this is one publication that you will find yourself using often. From new lawyers to seasoned litigators alike, there is no doubt that this “must have” Deskbook will make your practice more effective and efficient.
The 2025 Update to the Minnesota State District Court Civil Practice Deskbook includes substantive updates refining the discussion in over half of the Deskbook’s chapters and a fully updated table of authorities. The Update includes the latest statutory and rule changes and also discusses over a dozen cases from the last year! The 2025 Update to the Minnesota State District Court Civil Practice Deskbook brings your Deskbook fully up to date, saving you valuable time otherwise lost to research.
Purchase the hard copy and receive a coupon code to purchase the corresponding LinkedLaw eDeskbook for only $50! Code will be sent to you with your hard copy.
What Governs State District Court Civil Practice and Procedure: From Pre-Suit Procedures to Post-Trial Motions and Judgments
Overview; The Rules; The Statutes; Civil Practice, Procedure, and Clients; Summary; Appendix A – Summary of Amendments to the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure and the Minnesota General Rules of Practice Affecting Timing; Appendix B – Summary of Recent Amendments to Minnesota General Rules of Practice; Appendix C – Summary Chart of Online Resources
– Uyen Campbell
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Minnesota
General Introduction; Historical Overview; Minnesota General Rule of Practice 114; Mediation; Arbitration and Awards; ADR Plus: Hybrid and Custom ADR Methods; ADR in Family Law; Civil Cases Not Subject to Required ADR: Appellate and Executive Branch Courts; ADR Ethics Board – Rule 114.13: Code of Ethics and Enforcement Procedure (Proposed Rules of the Minnesota ADR Ethics Board); AI in ADR; Trends and Studies; Conclusion; Appendix A – Summons
– Justice James H. Gilbert (Ret.) & Jody E. Nahlovsky
Pre-Filing Considerations
Initial Contact; Preparation for Initial Appointment; Initial Appointment; Review and Research After First Visit; Plan for Resolution; Appendix A – Flow Chart Analyzing a Legal Claim’s Likelihood of Success
– B. Steven Messick
The Complaint
Introduction; Form of Pleadings Generally; Role of Summons and Role of Complaint; Avoiding Motions for Dismissal and Judgment on the Pleadings Under Rule 12; Appendix A – Sample Complaints
– Wilbur W. Fluegel
Commencing the Action
Action Commences on Service, Not Filing, of Summons and Complaint; Accomplishing Service; Strategic Considerations Regarding Service, But Not Immediate Filing, of the Action
– Archana Nath
Introduction; Documents the Lawyer Is Required to File; Documents the Lawyer Is Not Required to File; E-Filing; Filing Fees; Deficient Filing; Filing Under Seal; Logistics of Filing; Relationship Between Service and Filing; Filing Special Cases
– John P. Boyle, Kelly C. Engebretson & Matthew P. Kostolnik
The Response to the Complaint
Introduction; Receipt of the Complaint and Initial Contacts; Initial Defense Considerations; Time Frame in Which to Respond to Complaint; Effect of Failure to Timely Respond; Form of Answer; Counterclaims; Cross-Claims; Change of Venue; Removal to Federal Court; Rule 12.02 Motions; Motion for a More Definite Statement; Motion to Strike; Joinder of Parties; Third-Party Practice; Appendix A – Sample Consent to Conflict Form Letter; Appendix B – Sample Joint Representation Agreement; Appendix C – Sample Introductory Letter to the Insured; Appendix D – Sample Preservation Letter; Appendix E – Sample Introductory Correspondence to Opposing Counsel; Appendix F – Sample Stipulation and Joint Motion for Extension of Time to Answer or Otherwise Plead; Appendix G – Sample Defendant’s Answer to Plaintiff’s Complaint and Affirmative Defenses; Appendix H – Affirmative Defenses that Are Commonly Asserted; Appendix I – Sample Notice of Removal
– Daryl T. Fuchihara
Amendment of Pleadings
Pleadings Defined; Amendments Generally; Amendments as a Matter of Course; Amendment by Consent of Adverse Party or Leave of Court; Claims Asserted by Amendment Only; Relation Back of Amendments; Amendments to Conform to the Evidence; Supplemental Pleadings; Appendix A – Sample Stipulation to Amend; Appendix B – Sample Notice of Motion and Motion to Amend
– Robert T. Brabbit
Removal of Judges/Judicial Officers
Overview of Minnesota Law Governing Removal of Judges; Peremptory Removals; Non-Peremptory Removals; Replacement Judge/Practical Considerations
– David R. Crosby
Initial, Expert, and Pretrial Disclosures Under Rule 26.01
Introduction; Initial Disclosures; Disclosure of Identities and Reports of Expert Witnesses; Pretrial Disclosures; Form of Disclosure
– Brandie Morgenroth & Leah Kippola-Friske
Motions – Dispositive and Non-Dispositive
Motions, Defined; Formal Requirements Applicable to Papers Filed in Support of, or Opposition to, a Motion; Obtaining the Hearing Date; Service and Filing of Motion Papers; Oral Argument; Reconsideration; Common Types of Motions
– Gregory R. Merz
Discovery – Excluding Depositions
Rule 26.01 Initial Disclosures; Methods, Scope, and Limits of Discovery; Types of Discovery
– Gregory J. Duncan & Juan M. Avila
Taking Discovery Depositions; Responding and Reacting to Receipt of Notice of Taking a Client’s Deposition or a Notice of an Independent Witness Deposition by the Opposing Party; Taking Depositions for Preservation of Evidence; Deposition Tips & Pitfalls to Avoid
– Ryan D. Fullerton, Kendra E. Olson, Curtis D. Ripley & Samuel S. Rufer
Protective Orders
Introduction; Source of a Court’s Authority to Grant Protective Orders; Basis for Requesting Protective Orders; Burden of Proof; Appeal; Common Issues that Give Rise to Protective Orders; Protective Orders Limiting E-Discovery; Addressing Nonparty Rights in Protective Orders; Modification or Lifting of Protective Orders; Violations of Protective Orders; Constitutionality of Protective Orders; Stipulated Protective Orders
– Brian B. Bell & Elena Modl
Rule 68 Offers
Introduction; Purpose of Rule 68; Making an Offer; Accepting an Offer; Cost-Shifting; History of Rule 68; Appendix A – Rule 68.01 Text with Annotations; Appendix B – Rule 68.02 Text with Annotations; Appendix C – Rule 68.03 Text with Annotations; Appendix D – Rule 68.04 Text with Annotations; Appendix E – Sample Rule 68 Offer
– Daniel J. Singel, Brian J. Kluk, Alan P. King, Danielle Wolf & Matthew G. Nelson
Pretrial Preparation
Case Theme or Theory; Pretrial Submissions Required by Rule or Typical Court Order; Logistical Preparations
– Katherine M. Swenson
The Trial
Court Rules Governing Civil Trials; Jury Trial or Bench Trial; Pretrial Matters; The Participants and the Courtroom; Jury Pool; Jury Selection; Preliminary Instructions; Order and Burden of Proof; Opening Statements; Witnesses; Exhibits; Objections to Evidence; Direct Examination; Cross-Examination; Redirect, Recross, and Rebuttal; Types of Evidence; Use of Pleadings and Discovery; Trial Motions; Closing Arguments; Jury Instructions; Verdict Forms; Stipulations Before Case Is Submitted; Jury Deliberations; Return of the Verdict; Concluding a Bench Trial
– Bryce M. Miller
Orders and Judgments
Orders and Judgments Defined and Distinguished; Orders; Judgments; Appendix A – Sample Judgment; Appendix B – Sample Order and Judgment; Appendix C – Sample Amended Order; Appendix D – Sample Amended Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order for Judgment; Appendix E – Affidavit of Identification of Judgment Debtor Form; Appendix F – Notice and Application for Taxation of Costs and Disbursements Form
– Thomas H. Boyd
Post-Trial Motion Procedures and Appeals
Post-Decision Motions and the Need to Preserve Error; Motions After Trial; Relief from Judgment or Order – MINN. R. CIV. P. 60; Motions for Reconsideration; Stay and Stay of Enforcement Pending Decision on Post-Trial Motions – MINN. R. CIV. P. 58.02 & 62.01; Appellate Court Jurisdiction; Initiating Appeals from District Court Decisions – Appeal Basics
– Kay Nord Hunt & Michelle Kuhl
Collection of Judgments
The Judgment; Post-Judgment Remedies; Locating Assets; Appendix A – Timeline for Exemption Claims; Appendix B – Judgment Collection Checklist with Miscellaneous Documents
– Jordan D. Lippert & Derrick N. Weber
Vacation of Judgments
Introduction; Relief from Judgment Under Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure 60.02; Relief from Judgment by Independent Action; Conciliation Court Judgments – A Special Case; Conclusion
– Judge Charles F. Webber
“The First Thing We Do, Let’s Kill All the Lawyers”; Reset the Attorney’s Compass to Professionalism as True North
– Judge Mary Carroll Leahy
Table of Authorities
Subject Index
Jennifer S. Bovitz
Karin K. Ciano
Honorable Thomas J. Conley
Eric T. Cooperstein
Nicole S. Frank
Honorable John H. Guthmann
Honorable Mary Carroll Leahy
Honorable Daniel C. Moreno
Honorable Mary R. Vasaly
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