Friday, December 6, 2024
8:55 AM - 4:45 PM | Check-In: 8:30 AM
Minnesota CLE Conference Center
600 Nicollet Mall # 370
3rd Floor, City Center
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Providing You With a Complete Update!
Our 2024 Deskbook seminar again features a complete update on all the workers’ compensation developments that affect your practice. Jay Hartman and Tom Mottaz will analyze the latest cases and their effect on the petitioner and the defense bar. It is a terrific way to make sure you are up-to-date on every practice development. In addition, there are sessions on medical topics, managing the email nightmare, and using AI and ChatGPT. Don’t miss this once a year event – great education and great fun!
You'll Receive Valuable Resources
The Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Deskbook update seminar is truly your one-stop shopping. Not only do you enjoy a great seminar, and get up-to-date on all new case law developments, but you also receive:
Special Bonus Webcast!
The Minnesota Supreme Court has ordered a new mandatory credit rule. Beginning with those who report in 2025, all attorneys must complete a one-hour course on mental heath or substance abuse. All attendees at the 2024 Workers’ Compensation Deskbook seminar will receive a coupon code to attend the following webcast for FREE and fulfill this new credit requirement.
Friday, February 7, 2025 | 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Shielding the Carer: Understanding and Overcoming Secondary Trauma in Legal Work
1.0 mental health/substance use credit
This course is designed to educate attorneys about secondary traumatic stress and how it can adversely affect the attorney. It is based upon the understanding that working with traumatized individuals is part of many attorneys’ professional practices. Indeed, many of us spend considerable time with victims of trauma, either learning their stories in person or through secondary sources like reports, photographs, recordings, interviews with others and through pretrial and trial testimony. These interactions can take a significant emotional toll on the professional, particularly with repeated exposure over time.
This presentation will explain what secondary trauma is, explain other conditions including burnout, compassion fatigue, depression, anxiety and substance use disorder that can be the result of the stress we experience in repeatedly working with people’s traumatic experiences. The purpose of this program is to assist attorneys in recognizing their exposure to other’s trauma and how that exposure can harm their ability to fulfill their obligations as attorneys. Finally, the presentation will give strategies for the individual and the institution to better equip themselves to handle the effects of working with this vulnerable population, in other words, how to employ strategies to “shield the carer” from the occupational hazard of working with other individual’s trauma. This includes consultation with LCL, EAPs and other resources that assist attorneys and their staff with these complicated issues.
– Sarah MacGillis; Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers
About the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Deskbook with eFormbook
Whether evaluating a case, preparing for a hearing, writing a brief, preparing for trial, or just searching for information, the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Deskbook is a MUST HAVE resource for attorneys practicing in this area of law! It includes an accompanying eFormbook with more than 120 forms available to download, as well as the handy Workers’ Compensation Benefit Calculation Chart, a standalone resource filled with benefit information. Written by expert plaintiff and defense attorneys as well as judges with decades of experience, the Deskbook is a go-to guide for all workers’ compensation matters. With chapters covering every practice issue imaginable, providing practitioners with the necessary information, analysis, and authorities, there’s no doubt that this Deskbook will be a valuable addition to your practice. The Deskbook has become the most authoritative secondary source on Minnesota workers’ compensation law. Citing nearly 4,000 cases and statutes, the Deskbook delivers analysis of critical case law, legislation, and administrative rules, and regular updates provide practitioners with the most detailed and up-to-date information available. The Deskbook is also filled with practice-based insight, including helpful comments, practice tips for both petitioner and defense attorneys, examples, and sample language. (If you don’t own the Deskbook, you can purchase a copy by calling Minnesota CLE at 800-759-8840 to order by phone.)
8:30 – 8:55 a.m.
8:55 – 9:00 a.m.
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
The Hartman & Mottaz Case Update
All the cases that matter from both petitioner and defense perspective.
– Jay T. Hartman & Thomas D. Mottaz
10:30 – 10:45 a.m.
Questions and Answers
10:45 – 11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Consequential Psychological Injuries in the Context of Both Physical and Mental Injury Claims
A discussion of emerging trends and historical context.
– Judge Kirsten M. Marshall, Dr. Leesa Scott-Morrow, Dr. Nicole Slavik & Dr. Ken Young
12:15 – 1:15 p.m.
LUNCH BREAK (on your own)
1:15 – 2:15 p.m.
Back Injuries, Treatments and Surgeries
The latest word on medical treatments.
– Dr. Stefano M. Sinicropi
2:15 – 2:25 p.m.
2:25 – 3:25 p.m.
Managing the Email Nightmare
Too many emails and too little time – is there help?
(Presented remotely by one of the nation’s best practice management teachers)
– Paul Unger
3:25 – 3:35 p.m.
Questions and Answers
3:35 – 3:45 p.m.
3:45 – 4:35 p.m.
Using AI and Chat GPT in Practice – Including Examples to Inspire You
How can you ethically use AI/Chat GPT to improve your practice and save you time?
– Todd Scott
4:35 – 4:45 p.m.
Questions and Answers
4:45 – 5:45 p.m.
Friday, December 6, 2024
Minnesota CLE Conference Center
600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 370
Seventh Street & Nicollet Mall, Third Floor City Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Friday, January 31, 2025
Attend online
A moderator will be available to answer questions by email.
$345 MSBA members / $345 paralegals / $395 standard rate
Other discounts that may apply:
Scholarships available!
Need-based scholarships are available for in-person and online seminars. For further information or to obtain a scholarship application, contact us at 800-759-8840 or customerservice@minncle.org.
Minnesota CLE is applying to the Minnesota State Board of CLE for 6.0 standard CLE credits. The maximum number of total credits attendees may claim for this program is 6.0 credits.