See the "Schedule & Faculty" tab below for course titles, dates, and times
Join us for this updated edition of our curated webcast series, Probate A to Z. Designed to cover all the important steps in the probate process, this informative series provides value to both the experienced and the inexperienced practitioner alike. Our distinguished faculty incorporate lessons learned from years of practical experience, while utilizing the Minnesota Estate Administration Deskbook to provide you with insights that can be immediately applied to your practice. Pick and choose the topics that are most relevant to you or maximize savings by purchasing the entire series. These webcasts deliver the Minnesota specific guidance that you need – register today!
ADDED BENEFIT: All series purchasers will receive a free 1-year subscription to the LinkedLaw edition of Minnesota CLE’s Minnesota Estate Administration Deskbook.Tuesday, November 5, 2019
9:00 – 11:35 a.m. (CENTRAL TIME)
Probate A to Z: Beginning the Probate Process
Join Dan Donovan and Andrea Breckner for an overview of the statutes governing estate settlement and the probate process. They will share valuable tips and critical information that you need to know before your first meeting with a client. Meet the players in a probate proceeding and learn the procedures related to locating and marshalling probate and non-probate assets.
– Daniel R. Donovan; Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
– Andrea S. Breckner; Olson & Breckner, P.A.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (CENTRAL TIME)
Probate A to Z: Handling Creditors’ Claims Against the Estate
In this presentation, you will learn what constitutes a "claim" in Minnesota, how to give proper notice of probate to potential creditors, how to handle payment of legitimate claims, and how to handle insolvent estates. You will also discover how to protect the estate from claims that are barred or improperly submitted.
– William R. Asp; Best & Flanagan, LLP
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. (CENTRAL TIME)
Probate A to Z: Medicaid Estate Recovery Rules, Remedies, and Appeals
In this program, experienced attorneys Jessica Lindstrom and Laura Zdychnec break down the complex area of Medicaid estate recovery. Topics to be covered include a state and federal estate recovery regulatory update, estate hearings and undue hardship waivers, exemptions, judicial review, and additional appeals.
– Jessica Timmington Lindstrom; Winthrop & Weinstine
– Laura Zdychnec; Long, Reher, Hanson & Price, P.A.
Friday, November 15, 2019
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. (CENTRAL TIME)
Probate A to Z: How to Handle Tax Issues in Estate Administration
In this presentation, experienced practitioner Michael Sampson will walk you through the various taxation issues that may arise during the administration of an estate. Topics include:
Friday, November 15, 2019
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. (CENTRAL TIME)
Probate A to Z: Navigating Real Estate Issues Unique to the Probate Estate
This presentation examines a number of issues and unique problems that the personal representative and his or her attorney must deal with when the estate owns interests in real property.
– J. Steven Nys; Fryberger, Buchanon, Smith & Frederick, P.A.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. (CENTRAL TIME)
Probate A to Z: Closing and Distribution
Join Alison Midden as she addresses the closing process, including the timing and method for dividing and distributing estate assets, the preparation of a plan of division, how and when to close the estate with the court, and how to obtain a discharge for the personal representative.
– Alison J. Midden; Briggs and Morgan, P.A.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. (CENTRAL TIME)
Probate A to Z: Estate Litigation
In this program you will learn about disputes concerning the construction of a testamentary instrument, disputes concerning the validity of a testamentary instrument, disputes involving surviving spouse’s right to an elective share, resolving contested matters through settlement, litigation by and against a personal representative, and alternative dispute resolution in contested matters.
– Katherine A. Charipar; Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.
– Emily A. Unger; Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (CENTRAL TIME)
Probate A to Z: Miscellaneous Procedures and Ancillary Administration
This presentation is a replay of a webcast originally presented February 21, 2018
In keeping with the stated purpose of promoting a speedy and efficient administration, administrative tools can be used as short-cuts to the more traditional forms of administration. Join our esteemed faculty for an in-depth look at these tools and when they are appropriate to use. In addition, our presenters will discuss the patchwork statutory framework and the other unique aspects of ancillary administration in this informative and practical presentation.
– Betsy J. Whitlatch; New Albin Savings Bank
– Kirsten E. Johanson; Brown, Winick, Graves, Gross, Bakersville and Schoenebaum, P.L.C.
– Tina M. Johnson; Gray Plant Mooty
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. (CENTRAL TIME)
Probate A to Z: Review of Recommended Orders, Post-Trial Motions, and Appeals in Estate Litigation
To the occasional confusion of even experienced Minnesota probate court practitioners, the process of seeking review of a probate order can, in certain circumstances, differ somewhat from that of other district court orders and judgments. This presentation seeks to demystify, for litigators and estate planners alike, the relevant deadlines and procedure with respect to statutory review of recommended orders, post-trial motions, and appeals.
– Diana L. Marianetti; Maslon LLP
– Julian C. Zebot; Maslon LLP
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (CENTRAL TIME)
Probate A to Z: Professional Responsibility
Julian Zebot and Diana Marianetti discuss professional responsibility in the context of estate administration. Join them for a closer look at issues of competence, scope of representation, diligence and communication, attorney’s fees, conflicts of interest, attorney as a witness, dealing with the court, dealing with unrepresented persons, and compliance with rules for tax practitioners.
– Diana L. Marianetti; Maslon LLP
– Julian C. Zebot; Maslon LLP
Other discounts that may apply:
Scholarships available!
Need-based scholarships are available for in-person and online seminars. For further information or to obtain a scholarship application, contact us at 800-759-8840 or
This package provides 14 total CLE credits. Credits should be reported individually for each webcast attended, not the package as a whole.
Minnesota CLE has applied to the Minnesota State Board of CLE for the standard, ethics, and elimination of bias CLE credits as listed below. Application has been made to the Minnesota State Bar Association for any "specialist" credits and to the Supreme Court ADR Program for any continuing education in ADR credits.
Click titles for credit status and individual event codes.
Probate A to Z: Beginning the Probate Process
2.5 standard CLE credits
Probate A to Z: Handling Creditors’ Claims Against the Estate
1.0 standard CLE credit
Probate A to Z: Opening an Estate, Inventory, and Disclaimers
1.5 standard CLE credits
Probate A to Z: Medicaid Estate Recovery Rules, Remedies, and Appeals
1.0 standard CLE credit
Probate A to Z: How to Handle Tax Issues in Estate Administration
2.0 standard CLE credits
Probate A to Z: Navigating Real Estate Issues Unique to the Probate Estate
1.0 standard CLE credit
Probate A to Z: Closing and Distribution
1.0 standard CLE credit
Probate A to Z: Estate Litigation
1.0 standard CLE credit
Probate A to Z: Miscellaneous Procedures and Ancillary Administration
1.0 standard CLE credit
Probate A to Z: Review of Recommended Orders, Post-Trial Motions, and Appeals in Estate Litigation
1.0 standard CLE credit
Probate A to Z: Professional Responsibility
1.0 ethics credit