Wednesday, May 20, 2020
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Overview of recent and existing state and federal legislation, including the FFCRA, ADA, and MWA; discussion of Covid-19 hypotheticals; and overview of the new MN unemployment rights related to Covid-19.
– Steve Smith; Nichols Kaster, PLLP
– David Schlesinger; Nichols Kaster, PLLP
– Areti Georgopoulos; Harmony Law Firm, PLLC
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Scholarships available!
Need-based scholarships are available for in-person and online seminars. For further information or to obtain a scholarship application, contact us at 800-759-8840 or
Minnesota CLE has applied to the Minnesota State Board of CLE for 2.0 standard CLE credits. The maximum number of total credits you may claim for attending this program is 2.0 credits.
Minnesota CLE also has applied to the Minnesota State Bar Association for 2.0 labor and employment law specialist credits.