Edited by Jenny Gassman-Pines & Tiana M. Towns
The NEW Minnesota Litigation Forms Deskbook with eFormbook includes nine chapters covering all aspects of litigation, including: Prelitigation, Commencing the Action, Responding to Complaints, Discovery, Summary Judgment, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Settlement, Trial, Post-Trial, and Appeals. The accompanying eFormbook comes with more than 130 forms, ready to download and use, drafted by some of the state’s most experienced litigators, along with commentary and helpful drafting tips informed by their years of litigation experience.
The Minnesota Litigation Forms Deskbook with eFormbook brings together all the knowledge necessary to be successful in the dynamic, challenging field of litigation. Written with the practicing attorney in mind, the Deskbook includes forms covering every part of the litigation process, and each chapter of the Deskbook includes references to primary sources of law, as well as helpful secondary sources to increase your knowledge and improve your practice. The Minnesota Litigation Forms Deskbook with eFormbook is a comprehensive guide that includes in-depth discussions of drafting complaints and motions, responding to complaints, navigating discovery, bringing or surviving motions for summary judgment, managing alternative dispute resolution and settlement, successfully conducting trials, and how to succeed in post-trial motions and appeals, along with Minnesota CLE’s trademark practice tips, helpful comments, and checklists.
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Retainer Letter; Legal Hold Notice; Legal Hold Lift Notice
– Adina Florea & Allison N. Kruger
Commencing the Action
Complaint: Negligence; Complaint: Intentional Tort; Complaint: Defamation; Complaint: Dog Attack; Complaint: Product Liability; Complaint: Medical Malpractice; Complaint: Dram Shop; Complaint: Consortium Language; Complaint: Fraud; Complaint: Wrongful Death; Complaint: Contract Breach; Petition for Dissolution of Marriage; Complaint for Declaratory Relief; Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Ex Parte; Plaintiff’s Notice of Motion and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order; Plaintiff’s Notice of Motion and Motion for Temporary Injunction; Affidavit in Support of Motion for Temporary Injunction/Temporary Restraining Order; Bond for Temporary Injunction
– Wil W. Fluegel, Melissa Muro Lamere & John T. Duffey
Response to Complaints
Answer to the Complaint; Meet and Confer Certification; Notice of Motion and Motion to Dismiss; Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss; Proposed Order Granting Motion to Dismiss; Notice of Removal to Federal Court; Notice of Motion and Motion for Change of Venue; Memorandum in Support of Motion for Change of Venue; Proposed Order Granting Motion for Change of Venue; Notice of Motion and Motion for a More Definite Statement; Memorandum in Support of Motion for a More Definite Statement; Proposed Order Granting Motion for a More Definite Statement; Notice of Motion and Motion to Strike; Memorandum in Support of Motion to Strike; Proposed Order Granting Motion to Strike; Answer, Counterclaim, and Cross-Claim; Notice of Motion and Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings; Memorandum in Support of Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings; Proposed Order Granting Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings; Complaint in Interpleader; Notice of Intervention; Pleading in Support of Intervention; Notice of Motion and Motion to Intervene; Memorandum in Support of Motion to Intervene; Proposed Order Granting Motion to Intervene; Notice of Motion and Motion for Default Judgment; Memorandum in Support of Motion for Default; Affidavit in Support of Motion for Default Judgment; Proposed Order Granting Default Judgment
– Sharon R. Markowitz, Kate Bjorklund & Kelly Maxwell
Stipulation for Protective Order; Attorneys’ Eyes Only; Confidential Information Form (Form 11.1); Cover Sheet for Non-Public Documents (Form 11.2); Instructions for Restricted Identifiers; Stipulated Order Regarding Discovery of Electronically Stored Information; Rule 26.01(a) Initial Disclosures; Rule 26.06 Joint Discovery Plan; Subpoena in Civil Case; Interrogatories; Request for Production of Documents; Privilege Logs; Requests for Admission; Notice of Motion and Motion to Compel Evaluation and Examination; Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Compel Evaluation and Examination; Proposed Order Granting Motion to Compel Evaluation and Examination; Expert Disclosure; Third-Party Subpoena; Notion of Motion and Motion for Protective Order; Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion for Protective Order; Proposed Order Granting Motion for Protective Order; Notice of Motion and Motion to Compel Discovery; Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel; Proposed Order Granting Motion to Compel
– Davida S. Williams & Kristin K. Zinsmaster
Summary Judgment
Notice of Motion for Summary Judgment; Motion for Summary Judgment; Combined Notice of Motion and Motion for Summary Judgment; Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment; Memorandum in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment; Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment; Proposed Order Granting Motion for Summary Judgment; Fact Affidavit; Exhibit Affidavit; Affidavit in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment (Facts Unavailable); Confidential Information Form 11.1; Confidential Information Form 11.2: Cover Sheet for Filing Non-Public Documents; Motion to Enlarge Page Limits
– Honorable Laura Nelson & James Greenblatt
Alternative Dispute Resolution and Settlement
Defendant’s Joint Rule 68 “Damages Only” Offer of Judgment/Settlement; Defendant’s Rule 68 “Total Obligation” Offer of Judgment; Plaintiff’s Rule 68 “Total Obligation” Offer of Settlement; Mediation Preparation Checklist; Mediation Statement; Settlement Agreement and Release and Waiver (Negotiated Directly Between the Parties); Stipulation and Agreement for Entry of Judgment Under Miller-Shugart
– Kristine A. Kubes
Trial Brief; Motion in Limine; Memorandum in Support of Motion in Limine; Joint Proposed Jury Questionnaire; Proposed Special Verdict Form; Requested Jury Instructions; Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Order for Judgment; Trial Exhibit List; Examination Outline; Opening Statement Outline; Closing Argument Outline; Memorandum in Support of Motion
– Jerry Blackwell, Geraldo (Gerry) Alcazar & Tony Atwal
Notice of Motion and Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law; Notice of Motion and Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law and New Trial; Notion of Motion and Motion for Relief from Judgment; Notice of Motion and Motion for Attorneys’ Fees; Affidavit in Support of Motion for Attorneys’ Fees
– Jevon C. Bindman & Brittany Skemp
Notice of Appeal (Form 103A); Notice of Related Appeal (Form 103C); Statement of the Case (Form 133); Notice of Motion and Motion for Stay Pending Appeal; Memorandum in Support of Motion for Stay Pending Appeal; Declaration in Support of Motion for Stay Pending Appeal; Proposed Order for Stay Pending Appeal; Appellant’s Motion to Stay; Certificate as to Transcript (Form 110A); Certificate of Filing and Delivery (Form 110B); Motion; Declaration in Support of Motion; Appellant’s Formal Brief and Addendum (Form 128); Petition for Writ of Prohibition (Form 120); Taxation of Costs and Disbursements (Form 139); Notice Regarding Oral Argument in the Court of Appeals; Notice Regarding Oral Argument in the Minnesota Supreme Court; Petition for Accelerated Review (Form 118); Petition for Review of Decision of the Court of Appeals (Form 117); Petition for Writ of Certiorari (Form 115A); Writ of Certiorari (Form 115B); Petition for Writ of Certiorari (Form 116A); Petition for Writ of Certiorari (Form 116B); Petition for Declaratory Judgment (Form 114); Petition for Discretionary Review (Form 105)
– Nicholas J. Bullard
Table of Authorities
Subject Index
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Do all Deskbooks have a companion eFormbook?
No, but as Deskbooks are updated, eFormbooks, if applicable, are included.
Once I’ve purchased a Deskbook that includes an eFormbook, how do I access it?
Access the eFormbook through your account on the Minnesota CLE website under My Account > eResources & Publications
Will I always have access to the Deskbook eFormbook?
Yes, you will always have access to the eFormbook as long as your Deskbook subscription is up-to-date.
Can I download the forms in my eFormbook?
Yes, and we recommend that you download all of the forms in your eFormbook so you can use them without Internet access.
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