About This Event
The 2025 Banking Law Institute brings together national authorities and Minnesota experts to share their insights into the latest developments and hot topics in banking law.
Why Sponsor?
Sponsoring this event will provide your organization and its representatives with the following advantages:
- High exposure to a targeted buying audience.
- Networking opportunity in a fun environment.
- Many hours of potential face-to-face contact with attendees.
- Valuable name and brand recognition for your organization.
- Secured placement in a growing marketplace for years to come.
Sponsorship Benefits
- Sponsorship recognition via logo & link on conference webpage
- Sponsorship recognition via logo & link on pre-course promotional emails
- Logo in hard-copy brochure
- Exhibit table at live event
- Podium recognition of sponsorship
- Complimentary conference registrations
Sponsorship space is limited and this opportunity will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
For additional information, or to register as a sponsor for this event, please contact Becky Flint at bflint@minncle.org.